Anders Kalsmose from Aarhus was in Nordborg to read palms

Jørgen May Jepsen from Brandsbøl has repeatedly used the palm reader's ability to add clarity to his life.
Brandsbøl: He has no sparkling crystal ball, hump back or a black cat on his shoulder. In fact, he looks like an ordinary man. He is a quietly spoken being with a voice that seems almost hypnotic.
He prefers to call himself a palm reader, but regardless of the title, he tells of the past, present and future. For it all shows in the hands, he says.
"Hand lines reveals how people feel. There is no mumbo jumbo in it. The lines tell me what state she or he finds himself in both physically and mentally. But in just one night the hands lines change if one's state of mind has changed", says Anders Kalsmose.
He has worked with palm reading since 1989, but in 1993 the hobby changed to full-time work, and Anders Kalsmose currently has his own practice in Aarhus.
Many regular clients.
This does not mean that it's only local residents whose hands he reads. Several times a year Anders Kalsmose takes the long drive to Nordborg to read the hands in Alsing. When he visits Als, he has many regular clients who come every year. And it's all kinds of people who have had their hands deciphered. Right from the farmer to the Director.
"People usually come to me if they need to contend with some problems in their lives. But I tell them it will not just happen. I advise them, and then it is up to them whether they want to listen to me. If for example, I can see that a woman will meet a man in November, then it does not mean that she gets him. It all depends on herself if she wants", says Anders Kalsmose.
A hand reading takes over an hour, and there will be time to talk about birth, parents, objectives in life and relationships.
People get angry.
"What I tell people is very specific. It is not like horoscopes in magazines, where it can take care of everyone.
What I'm doing mostly is talking about the present. That what you can change - if you feel like it and want to."
Anders says one can also move off their current trajectory. He has often found that people get angry at him when he tells them something they do not like to hear.
"I see it actually as a good thing when people get mad at me. The more mad they get, the more true it is", says Anders, emphasizing that it does not matter if you believe in palm reading or not. "It is not a question that one must believe in it. I can still clearly tell people specific things about themselves."
Seeing ones dark side
Jørgen Jepsen May from Brandsbøl makes his house available when the hand reader from Aarhus is visiting Als.
For several years he used Anders abilities to clarify his life when it looked most bleak.
"I see Anders as a kind of sparring partner in my personal development. I am more and more aware of my dark side. He makes suggestions and gives solutions and I use those as an invitation to change", says Jørgen Jepsen May.
As for example, he was considering selling his farm but Anders discouraged him from doing it. And today Jørgen is glad that he did not sell the old family farm. "I could just live my life without interference from Anders, but it helps me. He leads me to discover some things that I would not have done otherwise", says Jørgen Jepsen.
By Marianne Knudsen - JyskeVestkysten Sunday, July 1, 2001
Life in the hands
Hasseris: "It's a challenge to put one's life in the hands of others, but that's almost what happens when a palm reader begins to decipher the lines and mountains that are in your hands."
"My personal purpose for palm reading is to give my clients insight into their life contexts, which can lead on to personal freedom", explains Anders.
On Wednesdays in odd weeks people are ready to learn in North Jutland, at Sanni Jensens Center Health & Joy in Hasseris.
"With an open mind my hands were laid on the table in front of Anders. He could quickly tell this and that about my growing up with a couple of authoritarian parents. In the blink of an eye my hands were lined with several red pen strokes that marked here and there, while my life story unfolded - as true as I had experienced it. My personality was exposed - for better or worse. The situation right here and now was read, and then there was the future, where my artistic skills should be further activated."
Curious women.
Except for one evening course in chiromancy which he accidentally stumbled upon when he was studying for a business degree about 15 years ago, Anders Kalsmose is a self-taught hand-reader.
"When I was introduced to palm reading I'm not sure, but I'm quite sure that I must have dealt with it in another life", he says.
Since then he has found himself working with healing, dream interpretations, meditation and homeopathic medicines - all areas within personal development.
"Based on this varied experience I have developed strong intuition. I do really believe that what I experience is true, and I have learned to listen to your body."
Anders Kalsmose has found his own way, and since 1993 he has used his abilities.
"It is all types of people who come to have their hands read, but mostly it is women", he admits.
"They do not always come because they have problems, but often just out of curiosity, while men only come when they are in crisis - or one could say when the going is tough."
The energies that have both feminine and masculine aspects are some of the elements that can also be seen in the hands. Here it is important to get both kinds of energies to work together, and Anders Kalsmose also gives advice on how to achieve this.
"Personal development takes place through the body, whereas feelings sit in the solar plexus, and there has to be a balance between what is going on in the head - and the emotions", he says.
Anders has his practice in Aarhus, but will gladly arrange private sessions across the country. Wednesdays in odd weeks he visits Health & Joy in Hasseris and appointments can be arranged. Each appointment lasts about an hour, and can be recorded. On other days he travels around the country to hold courses, lectures or workshops and teach about interesting topics.
Chorten Lam
In November 2000 I had to travel to Bhutan, and in May the palm reader Anders Kalsmose gave me the following message:
"There awaits you a great experience in Bhutan, an opening. You are probably afraid - but there is no reason to be afraid. You will come to a monastery - or a sacred place anyway. When you come in, turn right. There will be some rope / shut-off that you should ignore - and just step into the area. Do not be afraid. There will be a man who smiles at you and helps you. He will lead you by the hand."
It was November, I traveled to Bhutan and obviously had this prediction in mind. At the beginning of the trip, I was very aware: Is it this place? Is it here? - But eventually I forgot it - or let go and thought that if it came, it came. After 10 days of trekking we came to the capital, where we spent 2 days. There was much we wanted to see in a short time, and the first day was fully occupied with group experiences. In the evening I asked our guide if there was a temple or the like in the city. He said there was a place called Chorten Lam - which was situated a bit on the outskirts of the city.
The next morning I informed the group that I would go out alone. I went towards Chorten Lam. Chorten Lam is a large temple with a wall all the way around. I had a good look around the outside and obviously had an expectation that this place could very well be the location for the prediction. The temple itself was in the middle with four entry points, one in each corner of the temple. Between the temple and the wall there was space enough for you to be able to walk around. Bhutanese walked around while praying, round and round. I walked through the entrance gate of the temple wall - all Bhutanese who went and prayed, went to the left...
The message was, I remembered that I had to go right, but I could not bring myself to do that. I would not go against the tide. It was their holy place, and I thought it would be disrespectful. Slowly and full of expectation, I went to the left (ie clockwise). The first entrance to the temple was blocked with a rope and some flowers. I went on. The second entrance door was locked / blocked in the same way. It could not be supposed that I had to break the isolation! I went on. The third door was also locked and fourth door as well. Now I had been all around, and could see that all four doors were locked - I went hald the way around the temple and pulled myself back to the temple wall, which was high enough to sit on. I sat and looked at the colorful life of monks and ordinary Bhutanese who went around and prayed. I just sat still and opened up to impressions.
Suddenly, an old man dressed in a grey robe came straight towards me. My heart pounded wildly in my chest. He looked at me with beautiful eyes and said: "your company has gone inside". I thanked him, got up and thought, "so I have to enter the temple". The nearest door was still locked. The old man came up and waved me on. I turned around the corner - and he was there again and pointed up the stairs. The door was open. I went up the stairs - hesitantly - took my boots off on the stairs and walked slowly inside. My heart pounded in my chest. The room was beautiful - an amazing air of calm and tranquility. In the center I saw the sanctuary. I was all alone, so I ventured to go right. It was very beautiful, with shapes and symbols behind glass. And just as the entrance doors to the temple were oriented to the four corners of the world - here too there was a window in every corner of the room looking into the sanctuary.
It was beautiful and breathtaking. There was a place where you could donate money, and I did, of course. Suddenly a red-robed monk boy came forward, towards me, lit some incense and blessed me with the incense. Then he was gone again. I do not honestly know where he came from or where he disappeared to. I walked around again - then I discovered a staircase in one corner, and walked tentatively up the stairs.
On the next floor, I met a young bhutanese, a man in national costume. He smiled kindly to me - I went on. Suddenly, I encountered a western-looking couple. They said nothing, but she looked at me with eyes that could kill. The unexpected aggression was uncomfortable, and I turned and went down the stairs again. The mood was ruined and I went out. I put my boots on and started to walk around the temple again. Despite the abrupt end it was nevertheless a deeply moving experience, and I was grateful to have been able to enter the temple. Suddenly the old man appeared again. He reached for my hand, smiled and said: "Now you have done your things and your journey will succeed."
Tears were in my eyes and I was dazed and happy. I started walking around and after half a lap I sat on some steps at the corner column in the temple wall. Soon a little old Bhutanese person came up to me, looked me in the eyes, held their hands in the prayer position in front of their chest and bowed to me. Then came another old bhutanese - and another - and another - a total of five or six old men and women came to greet me in the same deferential way with great pleasure, many smiles and a lot of words, which of course I did not understand. I was deeply moved.
I do not know how long I was there - and I do not remember when I went out - but at some point I walked around the outside wall and looked back, took photos and wandered completely around the area light-headed with joy. Finally, I set off back towards the hotel. After several minutes I was going down a narrow street. There was an old woman coming towards me up the hill. When we met she paused, and with her hands on her chest she welcomed me deeply and sent me a brilliant look exactly like the old man at the temple.